Helping community college students succeed
in NYC's top companies
Training + Opportunity Pipeline for high-grit community college students, successful mentors and tech companies committed to advancing equality & access.
Get Involved:
The Scoop
Each One Reach One
If we create immersive learning experiences for our students to build insight and education in hard-to-reach companies then their confidence will improve and their abilities to succeed in placement and work in these firms.
If we connect our students to the jobs they wish they had, they'll do amazing.
If we line our students up, they will hit home-runs.
Through The Scoop, students will have the opportunity to:
- Meet and build relationships with other motivated students
- Learn necessary skills and build your resume
- Get connected to top tech industry professionals
- Gain mentorship from inspiring people
A simple formula for advancing students
Time & Mentorship
New Insights
Tell Me More About the Scoop
What is your theory of change?
If we curate education and skills training for our students then they will be more prepared to excel in these companies because empowerment theory and experience
If we create immersive experiences for our students to live and learn in companies then they will improve their confidence because they will have spent time inside these orgs
If we listen to our students then we can build on this immersion process because they will tell us what they need
If we co-create this program with our students and companies then we will have the insights to create further programming because everyone will feel trust each
How do you select students?
Students apply through this form and the College Leadership and Shapers will review applications and make selections. Applications for 2019 closed October 15, 2019
What can I expect to gain from this program?
- experiences in some of New York's most incredible companies
- tangible learnings including :how to network, financial management and savings, how to get a job, how to learn a new skills, what it looks like to be a woman and leader within a large tech company, how to look for and find community at a firm, how to handle micro-aggressions and racisms, what is Myers-Briggs and how to use it at work, how to apply to college for scholarships
- a community of motivated and eager community college students and young professionals there to help you succeed
- an opportunity to tell well resourced people who have your back what you actually need
- first-hand insight into the questions students from communities you are seeking to recruit from care about
- an opportunity to share your programming for recruiting and retaining high-potential and diverse talent
- a pipeline and talent pool that has roots in this community and intentions to remain and flourish here with brands who care about them
Get in touch with us